Tips for Determining Which Church Suits You


Finding a church is not easy, especially if you are new in faith. However, the same applies to a person who has shifted to a different location. Unless you are just looking for a church to go to every Sunday, you have a lot of options. Find the churches in georgetown as they will help you grow in salvation and you will experience hope in your life. Below are guidelines to help you identify a good church.

Look at what a potential church believes in. Doctrine is very important for any growing Christian. If you do not get the right teachings, you will experience retarded growth. Ensure the church you wish to attend acknowledges the Trinity of God head (Father, Spirit and Son), total forgiveness of sins, Christ's second coming. Also, make sure the church believes in eternal life and being a new creation once you receive salvation. The church should mainly focus its teachings on who you are in Christ and what happened upon believing.

How does the worship of this church look like? Worship is not all about songs and playing musical instruments. It is about a personal walk with God. A good church must encourage you to go deeper into worship. It should emphasize on what worship and praise all about (singing, giving, serving brethren, and more). If you go to a church and feel offended and unable to connect with God, keep away from it.

Make a point of attending the church in georgetown service or a fellowship. Being a member of a church goes beyond handing over your name to the discipleship leader. Before committing, attend a Sunday or midweek service to have a feel of how this church does things. Ensure the leadership leads people and not make them slaves who just follow blindly. Also, look at how long each session of the service takes (a good church will give more time to the teaching of the Word as it is the main contributor to the growth of a Christian). In addition, the church must be given to discipleship (not for the select few new believers or members but for the entire members). Discipleship should be practiced by every member for growth of the entire church.

Give yourself to prayers. You can look at many things to determine which church suits you. However, it is important to seek the will of God. This is because He has a plan with your life and where you should serve Him. Take a few days and give yourself to prayers and reading the word. Be alert to the leading of the Spirit as you reflect on various churches. This way, you will be able to find a church in which the will of God in your life will prevail. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic:

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